T: +353 (0) 43 668 3200 | E: info@auctus.ie

Auctus - Animal Nutrition & Feed Stuffs

AUCTUS is at the forefront of innovation in animal nutrition. All AUCTUS products are manufactured to the highest quality in GMP+ approved facilities using the latest technology. All our products are UFAS approved and are supported with rigorous quality control and full traceability. Auctus is fully licensed through the Department of Agriculture.

We have formulated and developed a wide range of specialised products for the dairy, beef, sheep and poultry sectors. These unique formulations allow stock performance to be maximised. With 15 years’ experience in animal husbandry, AUCTUS provides an unrivalled nutritional backup and advisory role.

Our automated system ensures an accurate and timely customer service from time of order to delivery. We are constantly developing and improving our product range to meet the needs of our customers.

Client Testimonials

Much healthier calves since we started using First Fibre

We spoke to beef farmer Nigel Hogan about his beef enterprise, the importance of the right nutrition and why he is using AUCTUS First Fibre on his farm in Co. Carlow.

Corrib Farm achieves 900g/day LWG on calves fed Opti-mum on 400 cow herd

Keith Walsh, farm manager with Corrib Farm explains the benefits of rearing his heifer calves on Opti-mum calf milk replacer to have heifers calving at 24 months.